"Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way at the right time"


Recommendations For a Successful Restoration

The preparations and impressions are the foundation of our work. It is essential that we start our work on a solid foundation otherwise everything that follows will be compromised. This file is a continuously evolving collection of recommendations and tips that we found to work well and will help you achieve good and consistent restorative results.

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Preparation Requirements

Undoubtedly a correct preparation is essential for the fabrication of a beautiful crown. Equally important is the durability of the crown. In order to achieve the full potential with modern restorative materials the preparation requirements must be closely observed.


Material Selection

The development of new dental materials is happening at an unprecedented pace. Every year a multitude of new materials are being introduced to the market. The selection of the correct material for your restoration is one of the key factors for achieving optimal esthetic results, durability and patients acceptance.

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3M Impression Procedure Guide

An excellent guide to troubleshoot impression problems.

Dental photography

Indispensable for modern prosthetics